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長青通訊 第二十三期 EHVA Newsletter No. 23

長青健康素食推廣中心發行 二OO三年九月



服務及工作項目 服務人次 義工人次 義工時數
健康養生講座 205 12 42
癌友互助午餐會 32 8 32
長青素食DVD製作 - 20 200
老人中心素食餐會 100 15 55
公共教育與宣導 3600 50 400

石大夫談養生       糖尿病的預防、攝生、飲食宜忌






由於糖尿病患增加快速,根據美國糖尿病協會〈American Diabetes Association〉的報導,每天有2200人被診斷患有糖尿病。以糖尿病為主而致死的人數已躍居第五位的死亡行列。更可怕的是糖尿病患者開始呈現年青化。雖然到目前為止,並沒有發現任何食物可以有效治癒糖尿病;但是研究專家仍發現透過食物的選擇可以預防或減少糖尿病的發生,或維持在可控制的範圍而無須增加藥物劑量及種類。由於民以食為天,人不可能不吃東西;針對此,食品工業界針對下列可靠的研究成果進行系列的產品開發:

  • 纖維素:纖維素有降低血膽固醇及使血糖及胰島素保持在正常水平的功用。纖維素可以緩慢胃的出空率,減緩糖份被吸收的速度。
  • 緩消化澱粉:了解緩消化澱粉是最近二十年來重要的一項發現。緩消化澱粉是由可食性的澱粉及其衍生物組成,關鍵在於人體並不能利用它;更重要的是它們具有很好的黏著性和吸水性,因此它們能針對緩解胃的出空及糖被釋放進入血液,起更積極的作用。除此,它們可產生抗飢餓作用。
  • 鉻元素:鉻有助於血糖進入細胞的維持正常作用,它能幫助胰島素發揮功能。
  • 生活素:生活素同樣的被認為有助於血糖濃度的控制。

其中比較著名的產品有:Abbott Laboratories的 Glucerna 系列〈For people with Diabetes〉,及Bristol-Myers Squibb 的 Choice DM Series 〈For Diabetic Care〉。這些產品主要都含有Dietary Fiber〈可食用纖維素〉, Resistant Starch〈緩消化澱粉〉,Chromium〈鉻元素〉,Biotin〈生活素〉(維生素B群的一種)為其基本產品成分。

根據上述介紹的基本原則,科學家從食物中發現具有穩定血糖的種子、蔬菜和五穀雜糧,它們在 日常生活中並不存在供應上的困難,只要適當調配和選擇,保健效果可期。它們是:

  • 種子類及香料:黑芝麻、桂皮、葫蘆巴〈Fenugreek:一種香料劑〉。
  • 乾豆類:赤小豆。
  • 葉菜類:空心菜、香椿。
  • 藻類:螺旋藻〈藍綠藻Spirulina〉
  • 花果菜類:冬瓜、南瓜、苦瓜、蕃茄、花生。
  • 根莖菜類:青蔥、牛蒡、菱角、山藥、豆薯〈Jicama〉、蒟蒻、蓮藕。
  • 糧食作物:薏仁米、大麥、蕎麥、麥片。


  • 主食類:薏仁米、大麥、蕎麥、麥片、山藥、豆薯、南瓜。
  • 副食類:牛蒡、菱角、蒟蒻、花生、蕃茄、苦瓜、冬瓜、空心菜、香椿、赤小豆、蓮藕。
  • 營養補充食品:藍綠藻。







  • 要實行心理衛生,須鍛鍊六種功夫。
  • 嫉妒之心人人有,怒火中燒能焚身。
  • 氣度寬宏能長壽,嫉妒不除病來賠。
  • 憂思鬱結生百病,尋歡作樂是良藥。
  • 欲求生活多趣味,須將悲觀化樂觀。
  • 動輒憤怒傷自身,少忍須臾保健康。
  • 忍無可忍還須忍,百激不惱真功夫。
  • 生活環境安排定,淒切悲哀亦徒然。
  • 胸襟寬大多歡娛,事事樂觀最養生。
  • 苦悶皆由奢望起,樂觀達觀消煩惱。
  • 儘管遇事有困難,自然而然會解決。
  • 力持鎮定莫緊張,不把小怒作大事。

Diabetes (part 1)

Translated by Parkson Wong

(Chinese version, by Dr. Hung-Ying Shih, was published on EHVA Newsletter (21), March, 2003)

Diabetes was called “thirst syndrome” (消渴症) in Chinese medical publications. Control and prevention of diabetes is not new to Chinese traditional medical studies. The symptoms of diabetes have been identified since the Han dynasty. Zhang Zhong Jing (張仲景142-220 A.D.) correctly identified the three symptoms of diabetes as frequent eating of food, frequent drinking of water, and frequent passing of urine in his writing (金匱要略). By the Tang dynasty (618-907 A.D.), Wang Tao's book <“Wai Tai Mi Yao> (王濤的〈外台祕要〉) further diagnosed symptoms of diabetes as “being thirsty and drinking a lot, urinating frequently, and the presence of sugar in the urine.” Since then, the main diagnosis of diabetes, sugar in urine, is clearly identified. Studies in the Sui (隋581-618 A.D.) and Tang dynasty (唐618-907 A.D.) had also clearly identified diabetic complications. Chao Yuan Fang, a Sui dynasty pathologist, stated that “diabetes causes infection to the wounds” in his writing, (巢元方的〈諸病源候論〉). Tang dynasty's famous herbalist and nutritionist, Sun Si Miao(孫思邈), correctly says “Diabetes is a chronic disease, patients need to be careful about infection to sores and wounds” in his work (千金要方). In Jin dynasty (1115-1234 A.D.), Liu Wan Su pointed out “diabetes can lead to deafness and blindness” in (金代劉完素的〈素問病機氣宜保命集〉). From Ming dynasty (1368-1644 A.D.), the idea of using diet to control diabetes started to form. For example, “Gu Jing Yi Tong” (古今醫統) advised eating a light diet to control diabetes. These historical publications show that traditional Chinese medicine has successfully diagnosed and understood the control and prevention of diabetes.

Diabetes occurs when the body is unable to properly metabolize sugar, due to insufficient insulin or inefficient response to insulin. Insulin, a hormone which regulates the body's use of sugar and other nutrients, allows sugar to pass into our cells so that it can be “burned” for energy. For a diabetic patient, sugar cannot enter cells and turn into energy. Lack of energy causes the body to feel fatigued and weak. High blood sugar level increases the osmotic pressure causing water to be pulled from all over the body to help pass the sugar in the urine out through the kidney. The result is frequent passing of urine, thirstiness, and frequent drinking of liquid. The lack of energy makes the patient feels hungry and results in frequent eating of food. Diabetes and obesity often are correlated. When the body can't get sugar into the cells, it burns its own fat and protein for energy. As the disease progresses, it will cause weight loss. High blood sugar level and harmful by-products of ketosis can cause problems to the circulatory system and damage body tissues. Diabetes complications include skin and muscle problems such as weakened muscles, infection, damaged nerves (neuropathy) and wounds which become difficult to heal. Other complications include weakened immune systems, hardening of the arteries, hypertension, kidney diseases, eye problems (cataracts and retinopathy), enlarged liver and gallbladder stone. Severe diabetes complication such as diabetic ketoacidosis could be life threatening.

To prevent and control diabetes, it is important to work closely with the doctors and to monitor the blood sugar level carefully. By monitoring it, one can find out which food causes high blood sugar level, and avoid intake of such food. Blood sugar level measurement can also be used to determine how much and which food to eat. This achieves the goal of controlling blood sugar level. Do not stop taking the medication even if the blood sugar level seems to be under control. Consult with the doctor before making any change. Stopping medication could lead to serious consequences and could even be life threatening.

Traditional Chinese medical studies identified indulging in eating, emotional stresses, and chronic fatigue as important roles in diabetes. They also singled out diet as the most important factor. Publication such as 〈儒門事親〉 has stated that “by eating food with heavy flavors, not eating in moderation, and not controlling emotion, diabetes will reoccur”. “Qian Jing Yao Fang” 〈千金要方〉 said diabetic patients should “watch out for these things: consuming alcohol, excessive sex,

eating salty food and noodles.” Diet and exercise play important roles in the control and prevention of diabetes. Today, doctors recommend food with light flavor and to avoid sweet food. A simple to follow, “avoidance of white food” rule; to avoid rice (white), food made from flour (white), food with lots of sugar (white) or salt (white), makes sense. Unprocessed food such as brown rice or whole wheat is better for diabetic patients. Carbohydrate intake should contain very little sugar. Foods such as oatmeal, barley, oriental pearl barley and buckwheat could be used for the main meal. In a meal, one should take no more than a bowl of carbohydrate (about 45-60 gram); a palm size piece of protein, preferably plant protein; fresh vegetables and fruits which are usually lower in sugar content. Diabetic patients should avoid sugar cane and carrot because of their high sugar content. It is better to have fresh fruit than fruit juice because juice contains a lot of sugar. Broth prepared by cooking for a long time and fermented food will cause disorder in digestive system. Therefore they are not recommended for diabetic patients. Food should be cooked with little salt, little sugar, and little oil. Many of the people with the best controlled diabetes are those who exercise regularly. Exercise for at least 2 hours in a week. Doing 20 minutes a day is preferable. Exercise should be rigorous enough to allow the body to sweat a little.

EHVA has developed a series of functional food to help control and prevent diabetes. The recipes are published in our newsletters, and a new DVD with cooking demonstrating is coming soon.









Evergreen Tui-Na Massage

Evergreen Tui-Na, which utilizes traditional gentle soft tissue manipulation techniques, was developed by Dr. Shih of EHVA. The massage oriented techniques are based on the knowledge of the meridians (life energy pathways). It is a Do It Yourself type massage. Daily practice can help relieve stress and maintain good health. Once you are familiar with the techniques, you can help others by applying Tui-Na to them.

Several EHVA members, who serve as Support Volunteers for Hospice organization, use Evergreen Tui-Na as an effective tool to help the hospice patients relieve stress. The feedback has been very positive, indicating that Evergreen Tui-Na helps relaxation and relieves the constipation problem.

In July, these members participated in the Children's Bereavement Camp co-sponsored by local Hospice and related organizations. Working along with other professional massage therapists, they received very favorable feedback. The following excerpts are from the letter they received from the Program Director.

“Your contribution added so much to the event by allowing these families an opportunity for much needed relaxation and a sense of rejuvenation.” “We hope that you know what an important part you played in helping to make the day a success.” “We thank you for your talent and generosity, and we look forward to the opportunity to work together again for this special cause.”

Again, they have demonstrated that Evergreen Tui-Na is easy, simple, and effective! If you are interested in learning Evergreen Tui-Na, please contact Kuo Tseng at 408-927-9240 or Sa-Min at 650-969-5125.

健康新知精選       醫藥也會造成對身體的傷害〈二〉         

呂錞銀  摘譯自 Consumer Reports on Health Vol. 15, No. 7

表〈一〉與表 〈二〉列出一般醫藥、草藥,可能導致的疾病。


此表列出普通藥物可能導致的疾病,服用以下藥物的人對新的症狀要特別注意。老年人或有腎臟、 肝臟疾病的人要更提高警覺,因為他們容易因服藥而引發其它的病症。服用下列藥物者應該請教醫生,是否須要對肝臟、腎臟、膽固醇、血糖,及血壓做特別的檢查。
藥物 疾病,增加疾病的危險性 失調
Alprazolam〈Xanax〉 腎臟疾病 〈diazepam〉 心智混亂,性慾減低,性功能衰退
Chlordiazepoxide 〈Librium〉  
Flurazepam 〈Dalmane〉
Carbamazepine 肝臟疾病 心智混亂〈尤其是phenytoin〉
〈Carbetrol, Tegretol〉 腎臟疾病 〈phenytoin〉 性慾減低,性功能衰退
Phenytoin〈Dilantin〉   骨質疏鬆
Primidone〈Myidone, Mysoline〉
Tricyclic antidepressants: 使下列症狀惡化:
Amitriptyline〈Elavil, Endep〉 氣喘,雙極失調 不能自制〈tricyclic〉
Clomipramine 〈Anafranil〉 〈bipolar disorder〉 心智混亂 〈SSRIs 比較不會有此症狀〉
Desipramine 〈Norpramin〉 良性攝護腺腫大
Imipramine 〈Tofranil〉 青光眼,心臟病 性慾減低,性功能衰退
Doxepin 〈Adapin, Sinequan〉 高血壓,schizophrenia 〈tricyclics〉
Selective serotonin reuptake Inhibitors 〈SSRIs〉 腎臟病 〈lithium〉
Fluoxetine 〈Prozac〉
Paroxetine 〈Paxil〉
Lithium 〈Eskalith, Lithane〉
Pioglitazone 〈Actos〉 肝臟疾病
Rosiglitazone (Avandia) 心臟衰竭〈尤其是同時用 insulin〉
ANTIHISTAMINE〈for allergy〉抗組織氨,治過敏症
Cetirizine〈Zyrtec〉 使良性攝護腺腫大
Chlorpheniramine 〈Chlor-Trimeton〉 青光眼症狀惡化
Diphenhydramine〈Benadryl Allergy〉
Ioratadine 〈Claritin〉
Doxazosin〈Cardura〉 腎臟疾病 〈methyldopa〉 不能自制 〈calcium-channelblockers,diuretics,女性的話,Alpha-blockers〉
Prazosin〈Minipress〉 周邊血管疾病 〈beta-blockers〉
Terazosin〈Hytrin〉 使氣喘,肺部阻塞疾病惡化 焦慮,混亂,憂鬱,精神異常
Beta-blockers:包括 〈beta-blockers〉 性慾減低,性功能
Atenolol 〈Tenormin〉 使糖尿病惡化〈beta-blockers, 衰退〈beta-blockers,methyldopa,spironolactone,thiazide diuretics〉
Metoprolol 〈Lopressor〉 thiazide,diuretics 利尿劑〉
Propranolol 〈Inderal〉 使心臟衰竭惡化 〈beta-
Timolol〈Blocadren〉 blockers,verapamil〉
Calcium channel-blockers: 提高LDL膽固醇〈thiazide diuretics〉
包含 Diltiazem 〈Cardizem〉 提高三酸甘油脂,降低
Nifedipine 〈Procardia〉 HDL膽固醇 〈beta-blockers〉
Verapamil 〈Verelan〉
Thiazide 利尿劑:包括
Chlorthiazide 〈Diuril〉
Hydrochlorothiazide 〈Esidrix,HydroDIURIL〉
其他:methyldopa 〈Aldomet〉
Atorvastatin 〈Lipitor〉 肝臟疾病. 性功能衰退〈clofibrate〉
Lovastatin〈Mevacor〉 腎臟疾病 〈statins〉
Simvastatin (Zocor). 使糖尿病惡化〈niacin〉
Gemfibrozil 〈Lopid〉
Niacin〈Niaspan, Nicolar〉
CORTICOSTEROIDS〈for inflammation〉治療消炎
Methylprednisolone 骨質疏鬆,糖尿病 心智混亂,憂鬱,精神異常
〈Medrol,Meprolone〉 提高三酸甘油脂
Prednisone 〈Deltasone, 提高 LDL膽固醇
Orasone〉 降低 HDL膽固醇
Famotidine〈Pepcid〉 心智混亂
Nizatidine〈Axid〉   性功能衰退
Estrogen〈Ogen,Premarin〉 肝臟疾病 性慾減低,
Estrogen 和 progestin 〈 Lo/ 心血管疾病,乳癌 性功能衰退
Ovral,Premphase,Prempro, 〈estrogen,estrogen和progestin〉
Triphasil〉 提高 LDL膽固醇
其他:medroxyprogesterone 〈progestin,medroxyprogesterone〉
〈Amen, Depo-Provera〉
Tamoxifen 〈Nolvadex〉
成藥:包括 acetaminophen 腎臟,肝臟疾病 不能自制〈codeine,hydrocodone,
〈Panadol, Tylenol〉 〈 長期服用NSAIDs〉 meperidine,propoxyphene〉
Ibuprofen〈Advil〉 肝臟疾病〈高劑量或 混亂,憂鬱,精神異常
Ketoprofen 〈Orudis KT〉 長期服用acetaminophen〉 〈codeine,hydrocodone,meperidine,
Naproxen 〈Aleve,.Naprosyn〉 心臟血管疾病〈rofecoxib, propoxyphene〉,性功能衰退
醫生處方:包括 celecoxib,valdecoxib〉 〈naproxen,codeine,hydrocodone,
Celecoxib 〈Celebrex〉 血壓昇高〈NSAIDs〉 meperidine,propoxyphene〉
Oxaprozin 〈Daypro〉 〈NSAIDs:Non-Steroidal Anti-inflammatory Drugs非類固醇的消炎藥〉
Propoxyphene 〈Darvon〉



有興趣參加者請與吳素真( 408-252-0397 ) 、陳碧茹(408-720-9782)聯絡。



  材 料: 芹菜 3 根 1/4 茶匙
  萊菔〈白蘿蔔〉 8 盎司 黑胡椒油: 1湯匙
  紅蘿蔔 4盎司 〈黑胡椒粉 1/2茶匙〉
  黑木耳 1/4 杯 〈橄欖油 2湯匙〉
  橄欖油 1湯匙
  準 備:
  1. 芹菜洗淨,切絲。
  2. 萊菔削皮,切絲。
  3. 紅蘿蔔削皮,切絲。
  4. 黑木耳泡水,洗淨,切絲。
  5. 黑胡椒油:開中火,放2湯匙橄欖油於炒鍋,加入黑胡椒粉,炒2分鐘,關火。
  做 法:
  1. 用兩個炒鍋。 A 鍋放1/2 湯匙橄欖油、紅蘿蔔絲、 萊菔絲、黑木耳絲〈油冷時,即須將蔬菜放入鍋中〉,開大火,炒至熟。
  2. 同時,B鍋放1/2 湯匙橄欖油及芹菜絲〈油冷時,即須將蔬菜放入鍋中〉,開大火,炒至熟,關火。如有水分,將水分瀝出 。
  3. 將B鍋的芹菜絲倒入A 鍋中,灑上1/4茶匙鹽及1湯匙黑胡椒油。快炒拌勻,關火,即可。
  份量; 5 人份
  調料; 鈉鹽: 118 毫克/份 油: 6 毫升/份 糖: 公克/份

EHVA Recipe

Chinese Radish Stir-fry

Ingredients: Celery 3 stalks Salt 1/4 tsp  
Daikon(Chinese Radish) 8 oz. Black pepper oil: 1 Tbsp.  
Carrot 4 oz. (ground black pepper 1/2 tsp.)  
Wood fungus 1/4 cup (Olive oil 2 Tbsp.)  
Olive Oil 1 Tbsp.  
  1. Wash and cut celery into shreds.
  2. Peel and wash daikon. Shred.
  3. Peel and wash carrot. Shred.
  4. Soak wood fungus in water to soften. Wash and shred.
  5. Black pepper oil: Heat wok over medium heat. Add 2 Tbsp. olive oil, then add in ground black pepper, stir-fry for 2 min. Set aside.
  1. ( Need to use two woks ) Put 1/2 Tbsp. olive oil, carrot, daikon, and wood fungus in a cold wok. Turn heat to high, stir-fry until cooked. Meanwhile, put 1/2 Tbsp. oil and celery in another cold wok. Turn heat to high, stir-fry until cooked. Turn off heat.
  2. Pour celery onto the daikon, mix well. Sprinkle in 1/4 tsp. of salt; add in 1 Tbsp. black pepper oil, Stir-fry to mix. Turn off heat. Dish is ready to serve.
Servings: 5 persons  
Seasoning: Sodium: 118 mg/serv. Oil: 6 ml/serv. Sugar: gm/serv.  



  材 料: 空心菜 12 盎司 1/4 茶匙
  豆薯 8 盎司 紅蔥油: 1 湯匙
  小紅辣椒 3 根 〈紅蔥頭 2 粒〉
  橄欖油 1 湯匙 〈橄欖油 2 湯匙〉
  準 備:
  1. 空心菜洗淨,去粗梗,取葉子及前端較嫩的部分。
  2. 豆薯去皮,切細絲。
  3. 小紅辣椒洗淨,去籽,切絲。
  4. 紅蔥油:紅蔥頭切片,開火,放2 湯匙橄欖油於炒鍋,加入紅蔥頭炒至香味出。
  做 法:
  1. 用兩個炒鍋。A 鍋放1/2湯匙橄欖油及豆薯〈油冷時,即須將蔬菜放入鍋中〉,開大火,炒至九分熟,關火。
  2. 同時,B鍋放1/2湯匙橄欖油及空心菜〈油冷時,即須將蔬菜放入鍋中〉,再開大火,快炒至九分熟。
  3. 將A鍋的豆薯倒入B鍋中,灑上1/4茶匙鹽,加小紅辣椒絲,1湯匙紅蔥油,炒拌均勻,關火,即可。
  份 量: 5 人份
  調 料; 鈉鹽: 118 毫克/份 油: 6 毫升/份 糖: 公克/份

EHVA Recipe

Jicama and Water Spinach

  Ingredients: Kong Xin Cai (water spinach) 12 oz. Salt 1/4 tbsp.  
  Jicama 8 oz. Shallot oil: 1 Tbsp.  
  Small red hot pepper 3 (Shallot 2)  
  Olive oil 1 Tbsp. (Olive oil 2 Tbsp.)  
  1. Wash water spinach and remover the tough stems. Save only the leaves with tender stems.
  2. Peel and wash jicama. Shred jicama.
  3. Wash and shred red pepper into fine shreds.
  4. Shallot oil: Wash and slice shallot. Heat 2 Tbsp. olive oil in a wok over medium heat. Add in sliced shallot, stir-fry until fragrant. Remove shallot and discard. Set aside the oil.
  1. ( Need to use two woks ) Put 1/2 Tbsp. olive oil and the jicama in a coldwok. Turn heat to high, stir-fry until almost cooked. Remove from heat.
  2. Meanwhile, put 1/2 Tbsp. oil and the water spinach in another coldwok. Turn heat to high, stir-fry until almost done.
  3. Pour the jicama onto the water spinach, mixes well. Sprinkle in 1/4 tsp. of salt, add in the red pepper shreds and 1 Tbsp. of shallot oil, stir fry to mix well. Turn off heat. The dish is ready to serve.
  Servings: 5 persons  
  Seasoning: Sodium: 118 mg/serv Oil: 6 ml/serv Sugar: gm/serv  


  材 料: 苦瓜 1條〈約12盎司〉 1/4茶匙
  A菜 8盎司 辣椒油 2 茶匙
  豆豉 1 1/2湯匙 橄欖油 1 1/2湯匙
  花椒粒 10-12顆〈粒〉
  準 備:
  1. 苦瓜洗淨,直切對半;去籽,再橫切薄片。
  2. A菜洗淨,橫切段約1.5吋長。
  做 法:
  1. 用兩個炒鍋。A鍋放1湯匙橄欖油,加花椒粒,開中小火,炒2-3分鐘。將花椒粒取出,放入苦瓜片,再開大火,快炒數下至熟。
  2. 同時,B鍋放1/2湯匙橄欖油及A菜〈油冷時,即須將蔬菜放入鍋中〉,再開大火,快炒至七分熟,關火。
  3. 將B鍋的A菜倒入A鍋中,與苦瓜拌勻,灑上1/4茶匙鹽,加豆豉及辣椒油,快炒數下拌勻,關火,即可。
  份 量; 6人份
  調 料; 鈉鹽:195.1 毫克/份 油: 5.4 毫升/份 糖: 公克/份
EHVA Recipe

Bitter Melon with Green

  Ingredients: Bitter Melon 1(about 12 oz.) Salt !/4 tsp.  
  A-Choy (or A-Cai) 8 oz. Hot pepper oil 2 tsp.  
  Fermented black beans 1 1/2 Tbsp. Oliver oil 1 1/2 Tbsp.  
  Hua Jiao 10-12  
  1. Wash bitter melon, cut lengthwise into half. Remove seeds. Slice crosswise into thin slices.
  2. Wash A-Choy cut into 1 1/2 inches long pieces.
  1. ( Need to use two woks ) Put 1 Tbsp. olive oil and 10-12 pieces of “hua jiao” in a coldwok. Over medium low heat, fry for 2-3 minutes. Remove the “hua jiao” and discard. Add in the bitter melon then turn heat to high and stir–fry briskly until cooked. Remove from heat.
  2. Meanwhile, put 1/2 Tbsp. olive oil and A-Choy in another cold wok. Turn heat to high, stir-fry until A-Choy is almost done.
  3. Pour A-Choy onto the bitter melon, mix well. Sprinkle in 1/4 tsp. of salt, the fermented black beans and hot pepper oil, stir fry to mix well. The dish is ready to serve.
  Servings: 6 persons  
  Seasoning: Sodium: 195.1 mg/serv Oil: 5.4 ml/serv Sugar: gm/serv  


  材 料: Romaine Lettuce 1/2盎司 1/4茶匙
  小蕃茄 〈Cherry Tomato〉 8 盎司 新鮮黑胡椒粉 1/4茶匙
  橄欖油 1 湯匙
  準 備:
  1. Romaine Lettuce洗淨,橫切段約2吋長。
  2. 小蕃茄洗淨,切對半。
  做 法:
  1. 用兩個炒鍋。A鍋放1/2湯匙橄欖油、小蕃茄,及1/4茶匙黑胡椒粉〈油冷時,即須將蔬菜放入中〉,開大火,快炒數下〈約20 至30秒〉,關火。
  2. 同時,B鍋放1/2湯匙橄欖油、Romaine Lettuce〈油冷時,即須將蔬菜放入鍋中〉,再開大火,快炒至七分熟時。
  3. 將A鍋的小蕃茄倒入B鍋中,快炒拌勻,灑上1/4茶匙鹽,攪拌拌勻,關火,即可。

份 量;

  調 料:  鈉鹽:118 毫克/份 油: 3 毫升/份 糖: 公克/份

EHVA Recipe

Romaine Lettuce with Cherry Tomatoes

  Ingredients: Romaine lettuce 12 oz. Salt 1/4 tsp.  
  Cherry tomatoes 8 oz. Black pepper 1/4 tsp.  
  Olive oil 1 Tbsp. ( Freshly ground)  
  1. Wash Romaine lettuce. Cut into 2 inches long pieces.
  2. Wash and cut cherry tomatoes into halves.
  1. ( Need to use two woks ) Put 1/2 Tbsp. olive oil and cherry tomatoes in a coldwok. Turn heat to high, stir-fry for 20-30 seconds. Remove from heat.
  2. Meanwhile, put 1/2 Tbsp. olive and Romaine lettuce in another coldwok. Turn heat to high, stir-fry briskly until almost cooked.
  3. Pour the cherry tomatoes onto the Romaine lettuce, mix well. Sprinkle in 1/4 tsp. of salt stir fry to mix. Turn off heat. Dish is ready to serve.
  Servings: 5 persons  
  Seasoning: Sodium: 118 mg/serv Oil: 3 ml/serv Sugar: gm/serv  


  • 9/6 Sunnyvale “Chinese Senior Club” 中華耆英會 消脂解糖餐解說午餐會及健康講座
  • 9/20 防癌協會癌友互助組午餐會
  • 9/27 Senior-Citizen- Apt 消脂解糖餐解說午餐會及健康講座


American Cancer Society、無名氏35、Ming & Mou Yang、蕭倫益、鄞淑純、黃郁仁/梁真榆、Lloyd S McKee & Ying-Wen Ku、祁讚、沙敏、Voice of Chinese Medicine Foundation、Chung-Ching Tsai & Shwu-Chwen Yn、Kueyrong & Yuhsheue Yu、洪英傑、陳樹功、Tzu-I Isabel Chiu、李慶祥/謝安華、Ju Kan Ru
  • 2003董事: 王宇霖、尹明潭、朱瑞蓉、呂錞銀、吳宜玟、吳英芳、洪英傑、黃宗哲、陳介川、陳瑞琴、張麗君、游松賀、董紀良、鄞淑純、賴吉昌、龍彰雄、羅吉斯、沙 敏
  • 發 行: 長青健康素食推廣中心
  • 打 字: 王立華、劉雪清、林由女、徐鴛鴦、高淑玲
  • 編 輯: 龍彰雄、呂錞銀、吳宜玟、尹明潭、陳純淑、高淑玲
  • 美 工: 龍彰雄、高淑玲、路正琳( logo設計)
  • 印 刷: 長青印刷 (TEL: 408-732-0680)
  • 郵 寄: 程俊豪、洪英傑